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adventure coordinators podcasts

Winter fun and travel, one year into COVID19

Tom Gehrels of Adventure Coordinators comes back to FLY one year later to share his green space discoveries in and around the GTA. Hear about Tom's hidden gems in the area for hiking, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.  We also talk about COVID one year later, and how this is the time to think about your big bucket list adventures for when the time comes. 

COVID19 & Travel

Tom Gehrels of Adventure Coordinators talks to FLY about COVID-19. Tom gives some amazing insight into the future of travel and travel behaviour.  Do not give up hope - one day we will travel again and when we do it will be all the more meaningful.

Dolomites & Ireland

In this hilarious interview with Melissa Rodway of FLY/CIUT89.5FM we talk about hiking the Dolomites, driving the backroads of Ireland and walking the Ring of Kerry

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Michael Palin on Erebus

Many of you were able to join me for a lovely evening with Michael Palin as he presented his newest book on the famed ship Erebus and her doomed voyage through the Canadian Arctic.
For those of you who were unable to make it, Anna Maria Tremonti interviewed Michael Palin on CBC's The Current. 

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We are located in Toronto, Canada and work in partnership with Direct Travel and Virtuoso.  TICO license 50023501

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