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The wait is over - the quarantine is ending!

We've done well! Enough of us have been vaccinated that we can start to think about travel again! CBC reports today that fully vaccinated Canadians and permanent residents will be able to enter Canada and not need to quarantine starting July 5, 2021.

According to the quoted federal government announcement, those who have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to returning home, need to show documents proving they received doses of those vaccines approved here in Canada. Travellers must upload their COVID-19-related information to the ArriveCAN app before arriving.

Travellers must also meet the pre- and on-arrival test requirements and be asymptomatic. And since final approval of admission to Canada is made by a government official, you still have to have a suitable quarantine plan in place. If travellers are admitted, they will neither have to quarantine nor take a COVID-19 test on day 8.

There are no changes to the border restrictions for travellers who are not fully vaccinated. The advice against international travel is still in place.


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